Hi! I’m Michele and I’m a firm believer in the power of mindset and what it can do for your life.
Challenges come in different forms, but at some point, everyone faces something that deeply impacts them.
It’s the choices we make in how to confront a challenge that creates an overcomer vs someone who feels trapped and hopeless.
When we have a strong, healthy mindset, we handle challenges in a way that moves us forward.
Healthy mindsets create stronger families, stronger communities and a future full of hope.
As a child, I watched my parents struggle financially. I also watched them DECIDE to be successful and take action to make it happen. They didn’t whine or blameshift; they saw what they wanted and took action- period. Growing up, I didn’t realize how important it was to see this type of mindset modeled for me.
One of my first hurdles to overcome was anorexia when I was a teen. I struggled with perfectionism and control- I was never satisfied- but in my 20s, I learned to love myself, despite perceived imperfections. In fact, I firmly believe that we’re all perfectly imperfect. It’s not perfection that makes us awesome. It’s overcoming and being REAL that shines like a light in the dark.
Pushing forward and taking ownership of our actions creates a life worth living. Not a ‘perfect’ life (what the heck does that mean, anyway??), but a fulfilling life.
With the right mindset, we can see that challenges, though painful, can also bring gifts. Every single challenge we face is a great gift from our Creator. It’s a test of our will and our beliefs. Changing our mindset, learning something new, or building physical strength…whatever it is, the decision to do something different and walk it out- even if it’s painful– that’s the magic.
When we struggle, we work our muscles to grow- whether they be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual muscles- we’re working to get to the next level.
There are those who will quit. “It’s too hard,” they may say.
Then there are those who will face a challenge and say, “Bring it on!”. They get to see what’s on the other side of action.
There’s no secret formula or shortcut, no special training or degree that will make this any different.
Decide to do something- fight for what you want. We’re here to help you take action!